
Greg Muehlberger

Leadership Development, Business Growth, Marketing Specialist to business owners and entrepreneurs, Certified Coach, Denver, Colorado

Greg joined Kingdom Way Ministries in 2020 and brings 40+ years of experience in business, nonprofit leadership and service to community.  Greg has been involved in fifteen businesses either as startups or investing and has served on over twelve nonprofit boards throughout his career.  But Greg’s real heart is in serving and is a natural at networking. 

Greg’s praestantia is in growing business.  Recognized as a Business Growth Strategist, Entrepreneur, Executive Coach and Author, Greg’s marketing ingenuity and aggressive growth mindset combines with keen listening and servant skills to provide quintessential coaching insight and encouragement.

Greg comes from Texas and grew up in his fourth-generation family business of men’s clothing stores.  It is here where Greg learned how to work hard and sell to customers.  Over the years of Greg’s career, his “selling” skills transformed into “serving” skills, which he has applied successfully in the many ventures he has contributed to.  Greg has been married for 38 years to his Angel of a wife Linda.  They have four children and six grandchildren and moved to Colorado in 2014 to be with their older son and younger daughter and their growing families.

Take the first step to breakthrough. Book a call with Greg Muehlberger now.

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