As we think about mid-year, I like to look at Luke 9 – A transfiguration passage that shows Jesus’ halftime chapter. Jesus was at a point in his time on earth that everything was changing. At this point, his ministry went from very public to private with only his 12 disciples. During this changing time, he creates a space to unpack the parables that he taught in public and that people were still confused on.
Take a look at this 10-minute video to learn how to prepare for the mid-year like Jesus did and 3 must-have mid-year goals to accomplish this year in order to succeed.
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Don’t want to watch the whole thing? No problem! Check out the video summary to see what was covered.
Video Summary:
As I mentioned in the beginning, Luke 9 fits perfectly for mid-year. In this passage, it’s “halftime” for Jesus. And right now in our lives, we are in our own “halftime” or “mid-year.”
Let me set the scene up for you – Jesus goes up on top of a mountain to pray. And during his prayer, Moses and Elijah appeared and began talking with him. Their conversation is about Jesus’ vision, which was to save you and me, reconnect us back to God, and to die on the cross for our sins.
“They were glorious to see. And they were speaking about his exodus from this world, which was about to be fulfilled in Jerusalem,” states Luke 9:31.
It is almost like Moses and Elijah show up and say, “Jesus, it has been so much fun, those things you did: Calming the storm cool, multiplying the loaves and fish awesome, sermon on the mount knock it out of the park… But guess what? The fun’s over now it’s about dying redemption and salvation.” Overall, this was not a fun conversation, but there is a big pay off afterward.
Now, what does this have to do with our own “mid-year” situations we find ourselves in currently?
For all of us, mid-year is a big deal. It is the time most companies have a difference between a good year and a great year. Companies can recalibrate at halftime. The mid-year planning is way more important than the beginning of the year planning. After all, it’s often said that the greatest sports coaches are the ones that can make that change at half time.
Learn how to thrive during the second half of the year with our free webinar happening on July 15 at 2:00 p.m. EST! Click here to learn more and register.
During Jesus’ “halftime,” he sets out and does 3 things before dying on the cross in Jerusalem. These 3 things that Jesus did can be used as our own must-have mid year goals to succeed this year.
- Jesus rested well. Jesus went up on the top of a beautiful mountain to rest. We need to also rest well by unplugging, getting off social media, and determining what healthy rest looks like. We need to rest in the Lord so he can speak afresh to us.
- Jesus remembered. God shows up and speaks. He remembers first his identity. Secondly, he remembers his calling in which Moses and Elijah shared with him – To reconcile the world back to God. We need to remember the Lord so he can speak to us, so he can remind us who we are, how he made us, and what we are called to do and how we are called to do it.
- Jesus recalibrated. Jesus had the courage to change everything. He was laser-focused on mental, physical, and emotional preparation for the cross. We too need to look at ourselves and recalibrate our mental, physical, and emotional state of mind on the Lord to lead us and our businesses in the best direction according to his will.
These 3 things are a must for us to do if we want to go after all God has for us from July to Christmas.