Empower your leaders with 360 degree leadership feedback that makes a real difference.

Our 360s provide powerful unbiased feedback to leaders that will help them understand what they are doing well and where they have opportunities to grow.
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When you face it, you can fix it.

Are you seeing the whole picture?

Our 360 degree leadership assessment is rooted in stakeholder based coaching. This 360 review provides powerful feedback to leaders that will help them understand what they are doing well and where they have opportunities to grow, even when you think you’ve tried everything. By sourcing feedback from multiple perspectives, our 360 evaluation will provide tremendous value and create a comprehensive picture of your leadership.

The intentional development of your people is crucial to the long-term health, growth, and profitability of your company. That’s why we have developed a comprehensive feedback process that will celebrate strengths, expose opportunities for growth, and strengthen your culture. With decades of combined experience, we’re confident in our ability to successfully equip your team with the skills and knowledge needed to survive (and thrive) as leaders. Don’t let the challenges of today’s business landscape hold you back. Let us help you take your leadership to the next level.

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What you don't know CAN hurt you.

Why is receiving 360 degree leadership feedback important?

We all have blindspots, and what you don’t know can limit your leadership. Our leadership 360 will help you see what it’s like to be on the other side of yourself.

Here’s how the process works:

  • We will conduct 30-minute interviews with 5-7 stakeholders who see your leadership every day.
  • We will summarize the interviews into a comprehensive report that highlights both strengths and growth opportunities.
  • We will debrief the report and help you interpret and process the feedback.
  • You will get a clear and concrete “go forward” developmental plan to ensure that you continue on a growth trajectory.
  • How long does it take to complete a 360?
    • Once we identify key stakeholders, we typically conduct 5-7 interviews within a two-week window, and then allow two weeks to create a summary report. The whole process (including debrief) is typically done in a month.
  • Where do the Stakeholder Interviews take place?
    • The interviews are conducted by phone and are recorded to help with the creation of the report.
  • Are participants anonymous?
    • The interviewees are not anonymous, but the report we create is based on themes rather than specific feedback. This means that the interviewees will not be quoted.
  • Do you offer coaching as a followup to the 360?
    • Yes! You can hire a Five Capitals coach to help you apply the feedback you receive. This is the most effective way to accelerate your growth.
Every success story is a tale of constant adaptation, revision and change. Get the critical feedback that will help you be the best leader for your business – now and in the future.
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