CEO of Five Capitals, Certified Coach, Pawleys Island, SC
During a 24 year career as the Founder and CEO of a global market research firm based in Cincinnati, Tim built a lasting legacy working with Fortune 500 companies around the world helping them innovate for growth. During his tenure, Tim and his executive team scaled his company to become a global qualitative insights and innovation leader built on deep, empathic human understanding. With that legacy forged, Tim has now stepped into the CEO role at Five Capitals, a global executive coaching firm specifically designed “to create a world where leaders thrive.”
With a strong aversion to apathy and complacency, Tim has spent his life developing leaders across the marketplace through a comprehensive skill set based in emotional intelligence and strategic thinking. His personal vision is “To add value to every life my life intersects.” He believes legacy starts with self-awareness and leveraging your strengths for the good of those you lead and serve. Tim is married to Joanne and they have four grown children who live and work across the United States. He and Joanne reside in Pawleys Island, SC, where Five Capitals is headquartered.