As the effects of COVID-19 continues to weigh on businesses, it’s normal to experience some level of stress and anxiety as a business leader. However, when stress and anxiety start to take hold of your life and affect your day-to-day tasks, it starts to become a huge problem.
Are you experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety during these uncertain times?
If so, there are simple ways that you can get off of the “stress and anxiety treadmill.” In this pre-recorded webinar, I’ll teach you how to work smarter with a rhythm that is sustainable over the long-haul, without having stress-related hormones raging through your veins. You can view the webinar below!
I will also review:
- The definitions of stress and anxiety and the difference between them
- What happens in the body when we feel these two emotions
- The idea of anxiety as a superpower
- The negative ways that stress and anxiety affect our physiology
- How some stress can be useful
- Neuroplasticity and the most effective ways to change behavior
- The thought – behavior connection
- Understanding buffering and self-care
- Self-coaching techniques to improve mindfulness
- And more practical, eye-opening tools and tactics on how to cope with stress and anxiety
Since this webinar topic is on Executive Wellness: Managing Stress and Anxiety, I assume that you or someone you care about has been suffering lately in one of these two ways. It is my deep hope that something I shared in my video will bring some breakthrough and progress for you or them.
I know how hard it is to continue managing stress and anxiety and I’d love to help you, wherever you are on your journey.
I want to be YOUR accountability partner.
Click here to get started with me.
If you want me to be your side-by-side coach or have questions about the webinar, please fill out this form, type in “Holly Cervini“ in the “Request a Five Capitals Coach” section, and I’d be happy to help get you on the path of gaining executive wellness.
Otherwise, if you want to continue receiving executive wellness tips and advice, click here to subscribe to our blog!
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