In the western world especially, we are confident in our ability to achieve great success. It doesn’t help that with much determination, hard work, and perseverance we actually can achieve a great deal on our own! However, if there’s no room or need for God to show up, the reality is we might be reaching for dreams that are way too small.
In Luke 5, Peter has been fishing all night but to no avail – he doesn’t catch a single fish. The next morning Jesus borrows Peter’s boat, preaches to the crowd and tells Peter to get back out there and fish.
I’m sure Peter was thinking, “Hey, hold on here. I’m the expert fisherman, and I’m exhausted I was just out there all night! Besides, there’s no fish! Oh, and by the way, what does Jesus know about fishing? He’s a builder!”
While on one hand there’s nothing more Peter would want than a big catch, it also must have seemed absurd to him. He was just out there for the entire night and didn’t catch a single fish! However, choosing to trust, Peter heads out and sure enough, he catches more fish than he could have ever imagined.
It’s when we listen to God and allow him to both speak into dreams and expand our imagination that He begins to create the space for bigger events to unravel.
Can you accomplish your goals and dreams on your own? Or are your dreams so big that unless God is in them there’s no way they are going to happen! If you want to make a God-sized difference, you need God-sized dreams.
It’s time to let God in and start dreaming bigger!
We’ve created a FREE Visioneering Worksheet to allow you to think through the Luke 5:1-11 story and start dreaming. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us help you process your dreams and launch you forward.