All of us want to keep motivating the rock star employees we have on our teams. Today leaders are working harder and harder to be creative and innovative so their top performers continue to produce, stay on-board and recruit others to join the team.
Retaining and keeping top talent is one of the keys to not only create a healthier culture but to ensure continued growth and profitability as well.
So how can you be more effective?
We find many leaders are too one-dimensional in their approach to motivating others. They have one or two methods which seem to work and they then keep hitting that same drum. Or they skip methods altogether and rely solely on their personality to motivate others.
Typically, the style of motivation or method they find most comfortable is the tool they use with everyone around them.
Ready to be a better leader?
Consider these six motivational strategies as a pathway to get out of your own box of one-dimensional motivation.
As you read through them, think about the people around you: Do one or two resonate as a potentially better (or different) way to motivate? Look to increase your effectiveness by employing these solutions.
Six Strategies to more effectively motivate others
1. Invitation
Psychology tells us that everyone has a deep-seeded desire to belong. However, many of us are task-focused to a fault.
When we are more relational, more invitational; when we take the time to care, take an interest in and get to know our team members – things can literally change overnight. Suddenly people feel a part of a team, they know someone really cares and subsequently desire to give their best.
2. Celebration
One of my favorite quotes is: Until further notice, celebrate everything. It reinforces the importance of positivity and optimism. Negative cultures are toxic and only encourage your best people to leave.
Ensure you’re taking the time to notice what people are doing well, applaud without agenda and on a regular basis. This not only lightens the atmosphere, it also reinforces the behavior needed from everyone.
3. Clarification
As Jesus said: “You shall know the truth and the trust shall set you free.” Truer words couldn’t be spoken.
However, for those where unity and connection are of high value, speaking the blunt truth can be difficult. Especially if you’ve let certain attitudes or behaviors go unchecked in the hopes they’d go away – but they haven’t.
This is where you need to step-up and lead. Speaking truth is a part of your job. In many situations, there’s never a perfect time and it will be awkward – you just have to do it. It’s the best for you, them and the team.
4. Inspiration
When was the last time you spoke some future encouragement into the lives of your team? Many people see an increase in their level of ownership and output when a clear vision is put out in front of them.
What do you see in your employees that they don’t see in themselves? How can you lay out a vision for both the individual and the team, which gives them a more focused target to shoot for? Communicate a clear pathway for promotion and increase if they continue to hit their goals. People need something to aspire towards.
5. Rehabilitation
We all get in a rut from time to time. If you have an employee who’s underperforming, how can you give them a boost? Are they bored? Need some additional work? Is there a training you could send them to? A change of pace, place, project or perspective?
While we certainly don’t want to cater to everyone, thinking through ways to physically boost energy can be all that’s needed to jumpstart an employee.
6. Participation
Over time, leaders can become overseers instead of doers. Team members need to regularly see your willingness to get your hands dirty. If the team seems disconnected or disengaged from you, it might be time to consider whether or not you’re actually engaged with them.
No one wants an “ivory tower” leader. Take a look at what’s on everyone’s plate, how can you help out? Bring clarity? Speed up the process? Remove barriers? Dive in, show you care and lend a hand.
In closing, I want to challenge you to reflect on your default motivation style. Is your engagement too one-dimensional? Consider these six strategies alongside the personalities of your team, which ones are a better fit?
Commit to trying these new methods and expect to see different and better results. Your team will thank you!
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