Wow, and there it goes! The first three quarters of the year. I pray as you reflect you’ll see good progress and God at work in all of it. With three-fourths of the year passed, this next month creates an opportunity to both reflect upon and plan for the coming three months.
A few questions I’ve been asked recently are:
“How do you plan for the next quarter from a spiritual perspective? How do you keep God’s plans, priorities, desires at the forefront? How do you plan for following Him rather than just planning for myself?”
These are such great questions! I’d like to suggest four things you can take to God as you prayerfully plan out quarter four and the next 3 months of your life. (FYI – these questions work from both a personal and professional perspective.)
Four Essential Questions:
1.) What’s the WORD you have for me in this next season?
In a world where there are so many possibilities and potential things to do with our time, asking God to give us a word, phrase or scripture verse allows for greater focus, clarity, and direction. What’s the guiding word or phrase for you (or your family or business) these next three months?
2.) Who do you want me to prioritize or invest in?
Remember: it’s not what you know it’s who you know. The reality is we can only connect with and maintain so many relationships. Ask God to reveal who He wants you to be around in the coming months. He knows who’s best for us better than we do.
3.) Where’s the grace (or path) that is laid out before me?
We need clarity on WHAT to do, WHO we are called to do it with and HOW to accomplish it. Ask God to show you where He’s already prepared the way, opened doors, laid out the plans to move forward with wisdom and power.
4.) How might evil and the evil one try to attack in this next season?
Generally, there’s battle before we see a breakthrough. Think ahead, where are the potential pitfalls and problem-areas ahead. How can you pray and be proactive against them?
Take next week to pray and reflect on these questions and may these next three months be even better than the last three!