How do you take that next step towards future success? The journey to “success” gets harder as we mature in our careers and the decisions we make have much greater consequences on us and those we care about.
As we mature in our careers, the low-hanging fruit to advancement and success is already picked and each incremental step gets harder. As we advance in life, the more we need others (honest friends, mentors, coaches, guides) to help us gain wisdom and discernment. It’s not hard getting to the base of Mt. Everest on your own… but to get to the top, you need help.
Watch this pre-recorded webinar from our Certified Coach, Tom Krause, to learn how you can redefine what “success” means and how to set yourself up for success for the future.
This webinar will cover:
- What makes people hesitant to make a change in their life
- How to go from a hesitant person, to someone who takes a jump forward
- Why thinking about yourself less can actually help you grow more
- Why many professionals unknowing self-sabotage their ability to gain a clear vision of where they want to be in the future
- How to free yourself to make a bigger difference and experience more success in your work and home-life
- How to get an outside perspective on life to see beyond your current situation
- The importance of taking it easy on yourself and finding your super power (you DO have them)
Have questions about the webinar or want to learn more about how you can create success in your life? Reach out to Tom Krause and send him an email!