Five Capitals Blog: Leadership Stories and Insights

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All Personal Development blog posts


Ben Redmond • February 16, 2024

Strategies for Emerging Professionals: Amplify Your Impact in the Workplace

How can I be heard and stand out? How do I share my ideas with my boss? How...
Personal Development

Ben Redmond • December 1, 2023

Navigating the Tightrope: A New Leader’s Guide to Work-Life Balance

Here’s something to know about me. I love making a good first impression. When I arrive on the...
Personal Development

Ben Redmond • October 26, 2023

How to stay sharp when you don’t feel like it

Last week I had…well…one of those weeks. My energy was low, and I just couldn’t seem to summon...
Personal Development

fivecapitals • April 29, 2021

Prioritizing Yourself

At first glance, the headline of this article might seem to be a bit…well…self-centered. We are all familiar...
Personal Development

fivecapitals • April 19, 2021

Everyone Is Your Teacher

There is danger that faces every leader who has been at it for a while. I like to...
Personal Development

fivecapitals • March 1, 2021

Empowerment at Every Level

We have a core value at one of the nonprofits I lead – empowerment at every level. Simply put, this...
Personal Development

fivecapitals • August 20, 2020

How to Make the Most out of Rest: Fueling for Personal Growth

Rest is an area in life we can all improve on! When people hear the word “rest” they...
Personal Development

fivecapitals • August 18, 2020

Run the Rest of Your Summer, Don’t Let It Run You

Just like that, another school year is upon us and summer is almost done. These last few weeks...
Personal Development

fivecapitals • July 8, 2020

The Importance of Story Telling in Business (by Jonathan Brake)

Whenever I lead with a story I can tell you that my chances of a successful outcome go...
Personal Development